Who We Are

Mackenzie River Basin Board

The Mackenzie River Basin Board was established to implement the Mackenzie River Basin Transboundary Waters Master Agreement. The board has 13 members, three representing the federal government and ten representing the provinces and territories. One member from each of the provinces and territories represents an Indigenous perspective.

According to the Agreement, the Board’s key responsibilities are to:

  • Provide a forum for communication, coordination, information exchange, notification and consultation among all six jurisdictions and the public
  • Recommend uniform objectives or guidelines for the quality and quantity of the water resources
  • Encourage consistent monitoring programs
  • Monitor the progress of implementing the bilateral water management agreements between neighboring jurisdictions
  • Submit a report on the state of the aquatic ecosystem every five years to the federal, provincial and territorial Ministers
  • Carry out studies and investigations, as required

In order to accomplish its goals, the Board has created three working committees. With members of the Board and staff representatives from the various governments, each committee will address the following specific responsibilities.

State of the Aquatic Ecosystem Report (SOAER) Committee

  • Information management
  • Determine options for format of SOAE Report
  • Establish process for Report preparation and subsequent updates
  • Determine recommendations for content of Report
  • Prepare and review SOAE Report

Traditional Knowledge and Strengthening Partnerships Steering Committee

  • Ensure full Indigenous participation in MRBB activities
  • Ensure Traditional Knowledge is applied in reports and documents
  • Advise the MRBB on Indigenous partnership functions and activities
  • Monitor levels of Indigenous participation and engagement in MRBB activities

Communication Committee (active as needed)

  • Develop a communication strategy
  • Prepare the annual report
  • Arrange public forums as required
  • Prepare press releases
  • Prepare presentation materials and literature for public consumption