SOAER Committee

Members List

Carter Gorzitza (Interim Chair)
Program Officer
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Edmonton, AB

Karly Harker
Unit Head, State of the Environment Reporting
BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Nelson, BC

Gongchen Li
Transboundary Water Quality Specialist 
Transboundary Secretariat
Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas
Edmonton, AB  

Andrea Czarnecki
Aquatic Quality Scientist
Environment and Natural Resources
Government of Northwest Territories
Yellowknife, NT 

Michelle Foley
Senior Habitat and Population Ecologist
Saskatchewan Water Security Agency
Moose Jaw, SK 

Ella Parker
Water Resources Branch
Department of Environment
Government of Yukon
Whitehorse, YT

Lana Lowe

Stan Njootli Sr.
Vuntut Gwichin Government
Old Crow, YT

Joseph Tsannie
Athabasca Vice Chief
Prince Albert Grand Council
Prince Albert, SK

Leon Andrew
Norman Wells, NT

Karin Smith Fargey
Environmental Monitoring and Science Division
Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas
Edmonton, AB