Basin Maps

The following Mackenzie River Basin maps can be downloaded. (Click on image thumbnails to view larger and download)


This map shows the average Dewpoint (temperature at which water vapour condenses to dew, fog, or cloud) throughout the Mackenzie River Basin as of 2003. Dew point temperatures of 10 degrees Celsius or less are considered dry.


This map shows drainage patterns in the Mackenzie River Basin.


This map shows the eight terrestrial Ecozones represented in the Mackenzie River Basin. Canada has a total of fifteen terrestrial ecozones.

An ecozone is an area of the earth’s surface that represents a large ecological zone and has characteristic landforms and climate. Each ecozone is distinguished from others by its unique mosaic of plants, wildlife, climate, landforms, and human activities.


This map shows the range of elevation within the Mackenzie Basin. 
Elevation is measured from sea level.

Forest Regions

This map shows the different forest types located in the Mackenzie river Basin.

Growing Season

This map shows the average number of growing days across the Mackenzie River Basin as of 2003.


This map shows the different types of landforms located in the Mackenzie River Basin.

Mackenzie River Basin Map

Mackenzie Sub-basins 

This map shows the six sub-basins in the MacKenzie River Basin, including the Athabasca, Peace, Liard, Great Slave, Mackenzie-Great Bear, and Peel.


This map shows the range of permafrost cover across the Mackenzie River Basin.


This map shows the location of all the communities in the Mackenzie River Basin.

Disclaimer: Population sizes depicted as of 2003.


This map shows the range of average annual precipitation across the MacKenzie River Basin.

Soil Texture

This map shows different soil textures found in the Mackenzie River Basin.


This map shows different soil types located in the MacKenzie River Basin.

Solar Radiation

This map shows the average amount of solar radiation expected per day across the Mackenzie River Basin.


This map shows the average number of hours per year of sunshine across the Mackenzie River Basin.

Surface Terrain

This map shows the different terrain types located in the Mackenzie River Basin.

Surficial Geology

This map shows the surficial geology of the Mackenzie River Basin.

Vapor Pressure

This map shows the average water vapour pressure across the MacKenzie River Basin. A higher water vapour pressure means a higher evaporation rate at a given temperature.

Water Monitoring Sites

This map shows the location of water monitoring stations in the MacKenzie River Basin as of 2003.

Wind Speed

This map shows the average hourly wind speed measured across the Mackenzie River Basin.